[Image by Gerd Altmann]

Many folks think they know how to exhibit; maybe they do and maybe they don’t. They believe it’s all about small talk.  Well, it is however, in my experience, small talk leads to big business.

Being an exceptional exhibitor involves three distinct phases which include:

  • Phase 1:  Your plan before the exhibit
  • Phase 2: Your plan during the exhibit
  • Phase 3: Your plan after the exhibit

Much of our success depends on asking the right questions, particularly of ourselves and our team. For example, in phase 1 ask yourself–Who’s your ideal customer/client and how does this factor in when determining where you’ll exhibit?  Ask yourself--What exhibition goals have you set? What questions will you add to this phase?

In phase 2, ask yourself–How are you attracting prospects to your booth and keeping them engaged? Ask yourself–What does your body language communicate and are you fully present? What questions will you add to this phase?

In phase 3, ask yourself–How will you debrief or evaluate you and your team’s effectiveness as an exhibitor? Ask yourself–What’s your timeline for following up on leads; do you prioritize based on urgency? What questions will you add to this phase?

Since you’re reading this post, now’s a good time to think about how you’ll challenge yourself to become an exceptional exhibitor. Consider the varied costs associated with exhibiting such as: travel, salary, food, supplies, and your booth.  They can be pretty astronomical when it comes to your budget!

Therefore, the best route to ensuring your ROI (return on investment) is by being an exceptional exhibitor. When you do…you’ll be setting yourself apart from your competitors.  We all know that our customers/clients have a choice in whom they’ll select.  By being the business that people select, we turn small talk into big business.

Now, go out there and be an exceptional exhibitor! We both know you can do it.