[Image by cripi of Pixabay]

Everyone makes mistakes; after all, it’s part of the human condition.  In fact, we often learn from our mistakes.  Some mistakes or errors are more common than others and should be avoided. If we anticipate potential errors we can usually work around them. Let me give you five examples which include:

  1. Not explaining why a situation is happening.
  2. Not considering how the target audience will feel about this situation or change.
  3. Downplaying (which may be referred to as “sugar coating“) bad news.
  4. Not making effective eye-contact or eye connection.
  5. Choosing the incorrect communication vehicle (e.g. email vs. face-to-face).

Certainly we may make additional mistakes when we communicate, however these represent five of the most common communication errors in business.  They can have potential negative results such as: feeling unimportant, distrust, resentment, low morale, not fully understanding the importance, surprised later, untruthful, and possibly devalued.

Not great, right?

You may want to consider having a crucial conversation if you run the risk of making these mistakes and would like to avoid doing so.  Now you may be asking yourself “What exactly is a crucial conversation?” A crucial conversation is defined as a discussion between at least two people where: stakes are high, opinions vary, and emotions run strong. This is an opportune moment to stop to consider challenging issues you’re grappling with right now that require a crucial conversation. Make sure you know the potential stakeholders involved.

Strategies are vitally important and it’s best to prepare yourself in advance of a crucial conversation. By that I mean, take charge of yourself which includes: determining your realistic purpose, the ideal outcome you’re seeking for both short and long term success, your level of emotional energy (e.g., breathing, staying focused, visualizing positive outcomes),  and your leadership presence–anticipating what ifs, responding to tough questions.

Remember that communication works for those who work at it. The goal is to keep people and their business communication on track and moving in the right direction. Your mission is to get people from where they are to where they have not yet been. You may consider that to be quite an accomplishment however it’s one of the best ways for Avoiding the Oops Factor!

Want to discuss your unique needs or circumstances with me? I’m always ready to assist you. You may call my office 518-664-6004, email [email protected] or request a virtual meeting.