[Image by ulleo of Pixabay]

We may not think of ourselves as “painters” or even “artists” and yet as public speakers, it’s imperative to paint our words.

Best way to do so is to say something that evokes the senses in our listeners.  For example, a speaker can state facts about the beach or…a speaker can say “The waves came crashing down.” or “The sand felt hot beneath my feet.” or even “You could smell the strong salt air.”  Each of those phrases specifically targets the listener’s senses. Speaking of senses, the speaker may try to tap into each of the five senses.  In other words, putting effort into the way something looks, tastes, sounds, smells and even feels. When this is accomplished, the audience experiences the words and their retention is that much stronger.

Another technique that may be useful to public speakers is using vivid verbs.  For example, rather than saying the common verbs of “walk” or “say,” the speaker can use stride or whisper, if appropriate.  This is how the speaker breathes life into a speech and once that happens there is a much better chance of the speech being a memorable experience.

Of course, storytelling is an effective tool to paint your words.  Be sure that the story has a very clear beginning, middle, and end.  As you narrate the story, the goal for a speaker is to transform any abstract concept into an emotional one that the listeners will be drawn into and easily remember. Remember–you’re taking them on a trip or journey.

Another tool public speakers may want to employ is the use of metaphors.  This is an attempt to connect with your audience and show a comparison of a point you’re making with another point outside the scope of your speech.  One option is to point out how challenges they may experience at work are like walking up a steep incline. You’re establishing a bridge of sorts that allows listeners to think expansively.

Whether a public speaker uses the five senses, vivid verbs, storytelling or metaphors, these are four ways to paint your words. It helps you to be more expressive and get your message across in a meaningful way.  You may want to try these techniques out or possibly use a combination of them.  This may take more time than you’d planned but the results will be impressive.

If you’d like to discuss how you paint your words, please call 518-664-6004 or email [email protected]  Can’t wait to hear from you.