Time to Talk about our Earth

April 22, 2024By Dale KleinCommunication Style

[Image by Gerd Altmann of Pixabay] In the words of Khalil Gibran…“Trees are the poems that the earth writes upon the sky.” Today is internationally known as Earth Day.  That means we have the opportunity to do our part to save our planet.  Actually, I believe every day is Earth Day. So what can you … Read More

Business Person vs. Business Leader

April 8, 2024By Dale KleinCommunication patterns, Communication Style, Communication Style|Habits, Credibilty, Goal-Setting, Habits

[Image by Gerd Altmann of Pixabay] What is the difference between a business person vs. a business leader?  The secret to the difference is one important distinction—how one communicates.  Let’s reveal what some others may think about how we come across. I don’t have a clue what the point is!  Always ensure you have a … Read More

Time to Test Drive

March 18, 2024By Dale KleinCommunication Style, Feedback, Practice

[Image by bobtheskater of Pixabay] Most of us understand the value of taking a test drive…but what about taking time to test drive your presentation? If this  either is a new concept for you or one you haven’t used in some time, it’s definitely a form of practice.  You may practice whatever you wish, however … Read More

Communication Style: Right or Wrong?

March 4, 2024By Dale KleinAccommodations, Communication Style

[Image by Gerd Altmann of Pixabay] If you’re one of my readers, you already know that we can communicate in a variety of ways.  Different situations warrant different communication styles.  Sometimes a direct style is indicated while at times a more indirect style may be more suitable.  Did you know that there is room for … Read More