Enumeration Makes a Difference

October 21, 2024By Dale KleinCommunication patterns, Goal-Setting, Job Success, Job Success|Public Speaking, Non-Verbal Language, Presentation Skills, Professionalism

[Image by Gerd Altmann of Pixabay] Many of the professional clients I assist with public speaking make multiple points but do not use enumeration. Let’s begin by understanding what is meant by enumeration.  When a speaker uses enumeration the speaker will say something like “To fully grasp this concept, consider the following three points…” Enumeration may … Read More

Does it make Cents?

October 7, 2024By Dale KleinCommunication patterns, Communication Style, Goal-Setting, Job Success, Professionalism

[Image by Brett Hondow of Pixabay] Some things don’t make good business cents…and some do. Take for instance the benefits and risks to a company regarding effective or ineffective communication. First, let’s examine the potential company risks which include: Inability to attract qualified job applicants. Poor hiring decisions. Miscommunication of key information resulting in either … Read More

Choices, Choices, and more Choices

September 16, 2024By Dale KleinCommunication patterns, Goal-Setting, Leadership|Presentation Skills|Public Speaking, Presentation Skills|Professionalism

[Image by Gino Crescoli of Pixabay] Some of us think we don’t have choices…but in reality we always have a choice. As public speakers, it’s imperative to make choices that fit the intention of the speech or presentation and that ensure your outcome.  Here are several examples of public speaking choices: If you’re part of … Read More

To Read is not To Speak

September 9, 2024By Dale KleinCommunication patterns

[Image by Alexa from Pixabay] News flash—we don’t write the way we speak! Maybe that’s news for some of you but the reality is that the way we write an essay or an article is not the way we would talk about that essay or article. Many of my clients don’t realize this so I … Read More