Merit Makers

November 4, 2024By Dale KleinCommunication Style|Job Success|Leadership, Communication Style|Professionalism, Communication Style|Public Speaking, Credibilty, Job Success, Presentation Skills, Value

[Image by Diane Kim of Pixabay] Decisions…Decisions…Decisions How do speakers decide which speaking opportunities to take? You could say you’ll take every speaking opportunity or…you could use the following fourteen tips to decide: Location:  If it’s going to be in-person, where is the speaking opportunity taking place?  Do you have the necessary time to travel? … Read More

Embracing Questions

October 28, 2024By Dale KleinPresentation Skills, Questions

[Image by Gerd Altmann of Pixabay] Questions are an essential aspect for every presenter (in my opinion).  The question (pun intended) is when to invite attendees to ask them! In the past, I encouraged my clients to have a Q&A towards the end of their presentation but that’s changed. Now I urge folks to ask … Read More

Enumeration Makes a Difference

October 21, 2024By Dale KleinCommunication patterns, Goal-Setting, Job Success, Job Success|Public Speaking, Non-Verbal Language, Presentation Skills, Professionalism

[Image by Gerd Altmann of Pixabay] Many of the professional clients I assist with public speaking make multiple points but do not use enumeration. Let’s begin by understanding what is meant by enumeration.  When a speaker uses enumeration the speaker will say something like “To fully grasp this concept, consider the following three points…” Enumeration may … Read More