Merit Makers

November 4, 2024By Dale KleinCommunication Style|Job Success|Leadership, Communication Style|Professionalism, Communication Style|Public Speaking, Credibilty, Job Success, Presentation Skills, Value

[Image by Diane Kim of Pixabay] Decisions…Decisions…Decisions How do speakers decide which speaking opportunities to take? You could say you’ll take every speaking opportunity or…you could use the following fourteen tips to decide: Location:  If it’s going to be in-person, where is the speaking opportunity taking place?  Do you have the necessary time to travel? … Read More

Enumeration Makes a Difference

October 21, 2024By Dale KleinCommunication patterns, Goal-Setting, Job Success, Job Success|Public Speaking, Non-Verbal Language, Presentation Skills, Professionalism

[Image by Gerd Altmann of Pixabay] Many of the professional clients I assist with public speaking make multiple points but do not use enumeration. Let’s begin by understanding what is meant by enumeration.  When a speaker uses enumeration the speaker will say something like “To fully grasp this concept, consider the following three points…” Enumeration may … Read More

Does it make Cents?

October 7, 2024By Dale KleinCommunication patterns, Communication Style, Goal-Setting, Job Success, Professionalism

[Image by Brett Hondow of Pixabay] Some things don’t make good business cents…and some do. Take for instance the benefits and risks to a company regarding effective or ineffective communication. First, let’s examine the potential company risks which include: Inability to attract qualified job applicants. Poor hiring decisions. Miscommunication of key information resulting in either … Read More

Don’t Sweat It

June 17, 2024By Dale KleinJob Success

[Image by Arul of Pixabay] Many of us who consider ourselves to be public speakers may experience the all too common symptom of sweating. If that describes you, you may find sweat on your palms, face, or other bodily parts. That’s completely normal.  However, it’s also possible that you encounter what’s known as “hyperhidrosis.” In … Read More