Write Right

July 8, 2024By Dale KleinCommunication Style|Goal-Setting, Goal-Setting

[Image by Gerd Altmann of Pixabay] My clients associate me with verbal business communication…however that’s part of what I offer.  Much of business communication is also written and that’s what this post is about. How often have you or someone you know thought or maybe even said “Please help me!”  Good news…help is closer than … Read More

Debate Debacle

July 1, 2024By Dale KleinCommunication Style|Goal-Setting, Credibilty, Goal-Setting

[Image  by Gerd Altmann of Pixabay] Have you ever considered a debate?  If you have, there are certain speaking behaviors to avoid so you don’t end up in a debacle.  Here they are: Per an article by Thomas Hicks on LinkedIn, the following should be avoided– Don’t attack another person. Don’t generalize or exaggerate. Don’t … Read More

Everything Has Its Place

June 24, 2024By Dale KleinCommunication Style|Habits, Memory

[Image by Tung Nguyen of Pixabay] We’re probably all familiar with saying “Everything has its place.” What may be less familiar is the concept of a memory palace. Public speakers have various fears but one of them is the fear of not remembering what you’re going to say. The good news is that this post … Read More

Don’t Sweat It

June 17, 2024By Dale KleinJob Success

[Image by Arul of Pixabay] Many of us who consider ourselves to be public speakers may experience the all too common symptom of sweating. If that describes you, you may find sweat on your palms, face, or other bodily parts. That’s completely normal.  However, it’s also possible that you encounter what’s known as “hyperhidrosis.” In … Read More

Give ’em a break

May 27, 2024By Dale KleinAccommodations, Credibilty, Distractions, Meetings|Professionalism, Presentation Skills|Professionalism

[Image by Gerd Altmann of Pixabay] Breaks during a presentation are often a necessity.  Why? Good question and the answer is: 1. bio break 2. catch-up via email, text, or phone 3. process 4. chance to energize or move. Those are all possibilities to consider for your attendees however there are additional considerations which include: … Read More

Divisive Devices: What can a speaker do?

May 20, 2024By Dale KleinBusiness Etiquette|Professionalism, Distractions, Electronic Communication|Media|Technology

[Image by Bartek of Pixabay] As public speakers, most of us realize the detriment of our audience using devices (e.g., cell phone).  It’s particularly problematic when we’re delivering a presentation, whether it’s in-person, virtual, or hybrid.  There are multiple options worthy of your consideration which are: Send an email notification to attendees in advance of … Read More