Give ’em a break

May 27, 2024By Dale KleinAccommodations, Credibilty, Distractions, Meetings|Professionalism, Presentation Skills|Professionalism

[Image by Gerd Altmann of Pixabay] Breaks during a presentation are often a necessity.  Why? Good question and the answer is: 1. bio break 2. catch-up via email, text, or phone 3. process 4. chance to energize or move. Those are all possibilities to consider for your attendees however there are additional considerations which include: … Read More

Communication Style: Right or Wrong?

March 4, 2024By Dale KleinAccommodations, Communication Style

[Image by Gerd Altmann of Pixabay] If you’re one of my readers, you already know that we can communicate in a variety of ways.  Different situations warrant different communication styles.  Sometimes a direct style is indicated while at times a more indirect style may be more suitable.  Did you know that there is room for … Read More