Give ’em a break

May 27, 2024By Dale KleinAccommodations, Credibilty, Distractions, Meetings|Professionalism, Presentation Skills|Professionalism

[Image by Gerd Altmann of Pixabay] Breaks during a presentation are often a necessity.  Why? Good question and the answer is: 1. bio break 2. catch-up via email, text, or phone 3. process 4. chance to energize or move. Those are all possibilities to consider for your attendees however there are additional considerations which include: … Read More

Divisive Devices: What can a speaker do?

May 20, 2024By Dale KleinBusiness Etiquette|Professionalism, Distractions, Electronic Communication|Media|Technology

[Image by Bartek of Pixabay] As public speakers, most of us realize the detriment of our audience using devices (e.g., cell phone).  It’s particularly problematic when we’re delivering a presentation, whether it’s in-person, virtual, or hybrid.  There are multiple options worthy of your consideration which are: Send an email notification to attendees in advance of … Read More

How do you spell S.U.P.E.R.V.I.S.O.R.?

February 12, 2024By Dale KleinCommunication Style|Distractions|Presentation Skills, Communication Style|Habits, Credibilty, Distractions

[Image by no-longer-here of Pixabay] The word supervisor may have different meanings depending on the source you use.  Here’s how I spell the word supervisor: S= Support Staff U=Update Staff P=Problem  Solve E=Ensure Equity R=Respect Differences V=Visualize Outcomes I=Invite Feedback S=Set Goals O=Offer Feedback R=Repair Communication Breakdowns This is certainly not intended as an exhaustive … Read More