[Image from John Hain of Pixabay]

Do you know your worth?  For many of us, particularly public speakers, this is the million dollar question!

Sometimes as an attendee, we feel disappointed because the speaker:

  1. Talks too long.
  2. Provides few if any examples.
  3. Gives little in the way of statistics.
  4. Is mundane at best.
  5. Offers no opportunity for interaction among participants.
  6. Delivers a dry or flat presentation.

If that sounds remotely familiar…those speakers share data  or information but little else.  I advise not falling into that category, if you can help it.

Here are 10 tips to get it done:

  1.  Think of your presentation as having 3 parts which are the opening, body, and closing.
  2. Determine your intention, meaning what are you hoping those attending will do as a result of listening to you.
  3. Best to start out with a bang, which no one is expecting. Your audience members chose you and you want to meet their needs, presuming you’ve conducted a thorough listener analysis.
  4. Use relevant and updated information so it holds value to those in your audience.
  5. Where you can, use storytelling to help participants better relate to your message.
  6. Give actionable and practical tips that people can use on the job.
  7. Include engagement opportunities such as polls, breakout rooms, whiteboards, quizzes, discussions.
  8. Customize and tailor what you say to best fit the needs of the people listening to you.
  9. Offer guided note-taking for better retention.
  10. Ensure a motivational or inspirational call to action.

Your mission is to create activated listeners as opposed to passive and inactive participants. By doing this you will encourage your audience to break out of a rut.  They have choices but chose you…be sure you deliver well.  Remember—-you’re worth it!

If you’d like to discuss this topic more, I’m happy to entertain your questions, comments and next steps.

Can’t wait to hear from you!